A crisis creates the opportunity to rise to levels of confidence, strength, and resolve that otherwise we did not think we possessed.
Jon M. Huntsman Sr
Crisis Management
Every crisis, from tiny blips on the radar to the most serious reputational threats, presents an opportunity to improve your organization’s substantive operations by minimizing the likelihood that a similar crisis occurs in the future. Each crisis also presents an opportunity to improve upon the content and execution of your Crisis Communications Plan. A careful and forthright self-critique will reveal what went according to plan, what did not, and the corresponding changes or adjustments that should be made. Even after positive changes to your substantive policies and to your Crisis Communications Plan, there is still work to be done. Although sometimes overlooked in the immediate aftermath of a crisis, an affirmative and carefully designed campaign of “Constant Positive Publicity” (“CPP”) must be undertaken to counteract the negative effects of the crisis. Some aspects of the CPP may be related to the subject matter of the crisis, but many aspects will not be crisis-specific. The campaign of CPP creates a vital alternative narrative that shows that your organization is not defined by the recent crisis.